Everything we do at Shenandoah University focuses on giving our students the knowledge the ethical foundation and the skills to do something special with their lives. From enhancing academic programs and providing scholarships to offering opportunities for travel and study abroad, we believe in helping Shenandoah students realize their full potential.
Dedicated alumni and friends like you make it possible. Through gifts of $5,000 or more each year, members of the President’s Leadership Circle share a commitment to the success of our students and the development of academic programs. Your generosity enables Shenandoah to continue to excel as a dynamic and exceptional institution – a community where all of our students have the opportunity and resources to fulfill their greatest dreams.
I invite you to become a member of the President’s Leadership Circle. In return, you join a giving society whose members receive recognition as well as access to university information and events. With your commitment, you help determine the direction of the university and the region, now and into the future. Your President’s Leadership Circle gift will help Shenandoah turn opportunities into reality.
President Tracy Fitzsimmons
President’s Leadership Circle membership is offered to those who generously support the mission of the university with gifts of $5,000 or more within a given fiscal year. Members of this growing group are united in their belief that educating students enriches the educational, economic and cultural lives of us all. By giving at the President’s Leadership Circle level, members help determine the direction of the university and the region, now and into the future.
Gifts may include cash, securities, real or personal property or gift-in-kind valued at the membership level. Matching gifts from employers are included as a part of an individual’s qualifying gift for membership. Corporations and Foundations donating at $5,000 or more within a given fiscal year are also recognized as President’s Leadership Circle members and are encouraged to appoint a representative to the President’s Leadership Circle. For more information, contact Margarite Landenburder, Associate Vice President for Development, at 540-665-4936 or mlandenb@rdsy.net.
Benefits Include
- Invitations to special university events
- Subscription to Shenandoah Magazine
- Notice of university-sponsored opportunities